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“Theory You” Launches the Topic of Self-Mentoring

Theory You, a book about Self-mentoring“Theory You” is all about the management of you. It prepares you for the management of others by first learning to manage yourself via a self-mentoring approach. You can manage yourself to promotions and prepare yourself to succeed when you are assigned to manage others. The principles will take you from day one to the corner office. “Theory You” is a real world approach to management that is based upon real life experiences as well as established management techniques and principles. It launches the topic of self-mentoring; manage you to better manage others. It’s the personal addition to “Theory X” and “Theory Y”.

1501, 2019


“According to recent cultural criticism … Narcissism is now to be seen at the root of everything…” Jessica Benjamin “The Oedipal Riddle” NARCISSISM The narcissist is more apparent in today’s society due to the many avenues available for one to exhibit their narcissistic behavior from social media to cell phone [...]

2602, 2018


The Winter Olympics The past two weeks have demonstrated to all of us encouraging signs of the strength of our young people in this country although the indications have come from widely divergent places. The Winter Olympics gave us wonderful images of our young athletes. Their grit, determination and class [...]

1707, 2017


I just read an article in "Fortune" magazine titled: "4 Ways Women Can Be Taken More Seriously At work". It made quite an impression on me as to the state of women and business in this country. The first point: Decide to participate even if is daunting. The point made [...]